I was telling a buddy of mine all about my latest encounter with this smoking hot, yet very bored housewife and he couldn’t get over how easily that she was putting out. When I want a quick and lets face it easy fuck time is of the essence. I don’t want to put in the hard yards with some local skank only for her not to give me what I want.
That’s a waste of time no matter how you look at it, but trust me when I say that there’s no time like the present to fuck horny housewives! These bitches are giving it up like nothing else and if you’re not taking advantage of it you’re missing out. In the last week or so I’ve had sex with at least 6 women and that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be slowing down.
Men are pigs once they get a wife. They’ll show them attention for the first few years but after that they get sloppy and sooner or later the housewives start to stray and that’s when guys like us can come in for an easy fuck. If you like getting laid and lets face it we all do, why not bang a bored housewife for an easy fuck?